Life is seriously AMAZING!! I love everything about it :) I am in Utah right now doing EFY programs as a Counselor! And quite honestly I cant think of anything better to be doing in my life right now. I know that I was meant to come here to be a counselor for a reason. There are people here that I am supposed to meet and touch and whose lives I am supposed to touch. Its such an incredible experience and I am loving every minute of it! I have met some INCREDIBLY awesome people and friends, who I know will be my friends throughout my life. There are so many really good examples up here, and I look up to all the counselors! Each and every one of them has something to give. This is the BEST job ever and its actually my dream come true. I have wanted this job since I was 13 years old! When you have a goal, you have to work at it until you accomplish it, and I DID it! I love EFY!! <3
flower backgroud
About Me
Monday, June 28, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Last Day of Salt Lake EFY session 1
Today was the day that we did the service project for EFY. We made Blankets for the less fortunate. We had a lot of fun along the way, if you cant tell :) ha we were being pretty creative with the extra scraps!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Family Came to visit!!
My Family came to watch me sing at one of the Devotionals today! I love my family SO much! They are always supportive of everything that I do, and always want me to do my best! It felt really good to have them here. This is a picture of my little sister and me :) I look up to her so much. She is such an incredible example to me. She is always putting others first. She is kind to everyone, and anyone who meets her just falls in love! I am so lucky to have a little sister like her in my life. I love you Courtney Ann :)
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Story behind my Unbirthday :)
For all of you who were rather confused is the story behind it. So this morning I was sitting next to Glen and Braden in the Side office of getinstitute building. I then started talking to Glen and Braden about swing dancing, and told them that I LOVE it! They wanted to see some of my videos so naturally we logged onto facebook. We first logged on in the web browser Internet Explorer. However Glen just having a new computer did not have all the downloads to watch a movie. So then we tried to download Adobe Flash Player... however it was taking a LOT longer that we thought. So then we had this idea to log onto Firefox. We logged onto firefox ( still having my facebook up in Internet explorer) and then logged in onto facebookagain. We watched the videos and laughed and talked. Then I had to go to a class room so I quickly logged out of the one of firefox.... completely forgetting about the one in interent explorer. Any who so then I went about my day as normal, being on duty during classes and such. Then when we were walking back to campus for free time I got a text from my mom that said , " Did you change your facebook status?" and I thought to myself well I changed it last maybe she hadn't seen it. Then I replied yes! She then followed up with another question that said, " So who are you in love with?" ha I thought to myself my mom would know out of ALL People..... ha why is she asking me this? Then I called her. We then talked about how my status was changed to say" I am in love and I dn't care who knows it"hahaha and my birthday changed to today being June 24th. I then went into a little panic thinking that someone had hacked into my account, but then the thought came to my mind... oh GLEN! I then called Glen and he pretended to not have ANY idea as to what I was talking about :) long story short... I received MANY phone calls, texts, and facebook messages wishing me a HAPPY Birthday, and asking who I was in love with! I guess it was just another fun day and not to mentionmade me feel loved :) So thanks to all those who participated in this little fun joke :)
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Free Time Rovers :)
Today Clare and I had Free Time duty! Or in other words had to watch the stairs to make sure that kidos didnt run off into the street :) Lets just say we had a little bit too much fun with this one :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Clare Bear and Me :)
This is my Favorite Girl ever! Clare and I were Co's last week and I LOVED it!!! I love her so much! She is one of the craziest girls ever, and I have so much fun with her! She has such a strong testimony of the church and I can feel it by just being around her! Here are some fun memories that we have had thus far. We first were together in Logan and now we are Semi Roomates in Salt Lake City! Its Super fun! The power went out tonight so we had fun with that :) hehe
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers day Daddy! You are the best I could ever ask for ! you're more than my best friend and I am SO thankful for you in my life! You always give the BEST advice! I love love love talking to you! and having deep conversations about the gospel. I love being silly with you and being sarcastic! You are SUCH a great example to me and I want to grow up to be JUST like you! thank you for raising me in such a way to be strong in the gospel! You are such an amazing person! I ♥ you!
Love you Oldest Daughter
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Staying wiff the 3rd Amanda :)
This is Amanda Johnson! She is one of the nicest,sweetest girls I know! I was able to stay with her Saturday night and Sunday! We just chit chatted and caught up! And then we watched Baby Mamma! Haha best chick flick eva.... however we both fell asleep! ha then we went to Church together, came home and both passed out on the couch! ha we were SO tired! Then we went to her Grandmas house for Dinner! Then she dropped me off at campus! I had so much fun being with her! Hopefully Ill get to see her on Saturday and do baptisms :)
EFY 2010
I Start EFY counseling tomorrow in Logan! I am SO excited! its going to be an AMAZING experience! I was talking to one of the guys who had been a counselor previously and said that it was the BEST job ever! I have been wanting to be an EFY Counselor ever since before I had attended EFY at age 13 when I first attended the sports camp for gymnastics at BYU. I myself attended EFY 5 years in a row! I loved it! Now here i am in Logan :) The theme this year is " Courage to Stand Strong". I think that this is an excellent theme, especially for this day and age when teenagers are faced with many adversity's, trials and temptations that are placed in their pathway of life. I hope to make a difference/impact in the lives of these wonderful participants. I know that there is a reason why I am here in Logan at this time in my life. Heavenly Father knows EXACTLY who we need in our lives and when. I am SO thankful for this wonderful opportunity I have to participate in this program as a counselor. Till we meet again! EFY!!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Best Friends Wedding!
Best Friend Got Married today!!! ah I cant believe it! It seems like it was yesterday that her and I were at Girls Camp, Wearing Pig Tails, Talking about boys, Going to EFY together and doing the Water Ballet! If you dont know what the water ballet is .... man your missing out! Amanda Hallsted ( now Walker) I love you SOooooo much!! Youre amazing! You made the most beautiful bride ever!!
love you
love you
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Kaitlin and Kayleen Time :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Danae Roberts Wedding!
Caught the Bouquet....Hm.. Yeah its all superstition but you know what this means :) ha I thought it was hilarious because the girl in front of me totally almost caught it, but it bounced off her and landed in my arms. Ha my mom said," Kaitlin You should have seen your face, it was hilarious!! its like you didn't know what to do with it"!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Kaitlin/ Courtney date!
This is my Little Sister Courtney and Me J I have really missed her when I was in Hawaii . So The next day after being back her and I decided to have Kaitlin/ Courtney Time! So we went to see the new Shrek Movie and then went to Claires the store and took pictures. After that we went and got Free Chick Fillet!! Love her So much!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
A Walk Through Life
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Missing the Island Already.... and I haven't even left!
Well today is my last day on the Beautiful Island of Hawaii! I am sure going to miss this beautiful place more than I am prepared for. I have had so many good memories here. I do not even know where to begin!!! These last 5 plus months have truly been a blessing in my life! I have grown so much and learned so many life lessons! Thank you Hawaii for being SO good to me! You will be truly missed, but dont you worry I will be back in No time! For now Peace Hawaii and Aloha Oye!
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