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Saturday, July 31, 2010
Mariah Martinsen
Right when I got to Provo I was able to be dropped off at Mariah's appartment. Mariah and I then went to the Cougar eat and got some Subway :) Then went back to her place and just chatted for hours. It was really good to be able to see her and spend some quality time with her. She really is an amazing girl and I loved being able to talk with her. We laughed, and joked. I am glad that I was able to see her :)
I HATE saying goodbye!!
I absolutely hate saying goodbye..... especially to the ones that you grow super close with. Clare and I stuck like glew right off the bat! I am surely going to miss this girl, she is one of my best friends! She has taught me so much throughout this EFYing :) I love her to death! thank goodness for technology to stay in contact!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Service Service and More Service!!
Service Service and More Service!! Each Friday we get the opportunity to do service. We made Blankets.... well tie together blankets for children especially in hospitals who don't have service. While the kids were tying some of us girl Counselors went on a little adventure :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Pizza Night!!
Sometimes we get a little Crazy on Pizza Night! Haha Just thought I would let you all know that my girls are Osum!! ha I love them all :) I love EFY So much! Each week is so different and very unique! These girls are all incredible and have such strong testimony's! Yay for Pizza night! We had Too much fun :) Ok well... you can never have Too much fun! Loving this life!!
Clare and KaitLiN
Clare had some Popsicles During games night So I snagged one! They were yuuummmy!!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Logan 3 Dance!!
No worries here... Patrick Law and I totally tore it up at the dance! haha it was SUPER hot! Patrick said, " I am sweating like CRAZY" ha I said," well knowing the Law family, thats a given" ha but seriously it was super hot! I was wishing it would rain!
This is a picture of some of my kidos this week! This seriously is an INCREDIBLE group, they have all bonded super well and I love it!!
After the dance I was super sweaty so I put my hair on top of my head.... and it stayed!! ha I ran outside my dorm and had one of my girls take a picture quick! lol I cant believe it stayed!
Gotta love it! Tuesday Dance Success!!
Guys it was TACO TUESDAY Today! So I go to the "Site" Office today expecting to get a taco.... but little did I know it was an Ice Cream Taco filled with Chocolate!! mmmmm Even Better :) I was super excited! Wish they always had taco tuesdays!
Monday, July 26, 2010
True Happiness!!
Can I just tell you how happy the gospel of Jesus Christ makes me?! So we were walking to the stake center to play games and I began talking to my C0-counselor Alex Hale and I said, " Alex do you ever get really happy and don't know why?" he replied, " well maybe...but I usually know why". He then proceeded to ask me all these questions well does this make you happy? is it this? or this? and I said you know what Alex the only thing I can really think of is the GOSPEL!! And you know what?! that is SO true! I find myself smiling quite often because of this wonderful church that I belong to. I love this gospel and my savior more than anything! That brings me TRUE joy! I can walk around smiling, knowing that I am a child of god. I know that he loves me. I know that he answers prayers. I know that he is there for me whenever I need him. This church brings me so much joy, and makes me want to share it with others. I am so thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! This is what True happiness is ALL about :) ~ Happy Note for the day!
I pulled a Funny :)
So...... I pulled a "Funny" haha so today I was one of the Dancers for EFY orientation.. And all was going well until the finale! I along with a couple of Counselors did a Toe Touch at the end! I was right next to Patrick Law and as I did my Toe Touch I heard a RIPPPP!! haha I then realized that I had ripped my pants!! ahah Realizing this I quickly sat down! Thinking that it was just a tiny hole I went on with the rest of orientation. Then I walked back to my dorm thinking I could just throw on some spandex.... NOPE! haha to my dismay it was a HUGE Hole!! I then proceeded to put on a pair of Jeans because that was the only pair of Kaky pants I had! So pretty much I stuck out like a sore thumb...being the only counselor in Jeans! ha but it made a "funny" story! I guess its about time to retire these pants I mean its not like they are like 5 years old or anything :)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Spanish Ward!!
This Sunday I was able to go with Diego Stabio ( a really good friend of mine who just got back from his mission from Philadelphia Spanish speaking) to a Spanish Ward! I was SUPER excited!! I have always wanted to go to a Spanish ward but never made it out there in Az. I have to admit I was a little bit nervous that I wouldn't be able to understand at all. I said a prayer in the car for comfort and that I would be able to understand the talks. To my surprise I was able to understand a whole lot more than I thought :) I love the Spanish culture everyone is so loving, caring and just plain happy! This made me want to serve a spanish speaking mission even more! I would say that this was a success!! I loved every minute of it!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I got picked up from Salt Lake by a good friend Diego and we headed straight to the Lake :) I was SO happy! I was able to get up every time! I had a blast with these new friends!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Star Fishy
The Girls Found some Star Fish at the Beach and we were playing with them for a while and making them stick to us :) It was super fun!
Someday...... Someday ill have a camera like this :) I have always wanted one of these puppies. They take amazing pictures!!! For now ill stick with my cute cannon camera!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Little Miss Courtney!
Courtney and I last year at Ocean Side celebrating her birthday!!
I love that I can just be crazy with this girl and she follows right along :)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I love My Little Sis!
I love my little sister Courtney with ALL my heart! She is the Sweetest girl and SUCH an incredible example to me! She has taught me So much through her example, she is always making sure to put others first. She is thoughtful, caring, giving, kind, loving and SO much more. I love her so much and can spend hours just sitting talking to her! She is a little angel and brightens everyones day! She always has such a big grin on her face and is a little LIGHT to the room :) I love you Courtney!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Ever Since I was little my dream car was a Slug bug! Man I wish that I had one of these :) haha I told my mom that I would be the happiest girl if I had one. Then she brought up the no air conditioning.... I was like alright ok I guess you are right. lol Then I changed it and said ok.... If I lived in Hawaii with this Slug bug I would be a HAPPY Camper :)
p.s. I miss the Island if you couldnt tell! haha for now ill enjoy Cali <3
Monday, July 19, 2010
Dinner Time!
Our pizza was not here yet.... so why NOT advertise for the pizza store :) haha Trellany and I had a Little bit too much fun doing this :)
The Pizza came and it was DELICIOUS and HUMONGOUS!! haha
Cali 010'
Trellany and I have been coming to Cali for the past couple of years and it has always been a BLAST! Tonight we made brownies and decided to have a little fun and put it on our faces and hands I mean WHY not? :) haha I love this girl to death and ALWAYS have so much fun with her! I cant wait to see what the rest of the week beholds. Adventure Day 1 !
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Jet eye Braid :)
Well I had one of my girls put this in my hair last week and now its time that it retires.... Sad day but I loved it while I had it :)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Kiersten and Me :)
This is Kiersten and me :) She is my girl this week at EFY and I love her to death! I was talking to her the other day how I was tired of wearing the same outfit every week. She immediately responded by saying you can totally wear something of mine! So I go to her room and she starts pulling out all these cute clothes to put an outfit together and this is what she put together! SUPER Cute!! I love her <3
Meet Matt :P
This is Matt our Co counselor this week :) Kindal and I were taking pictures and he felt left out so he grabbed my camera and started taking pictures! Ha he is the best and I have really enjoyed working with him! haha enjoy the collage :P
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Pizza Night!!! The Chosen!
It was Pizza night...... and you know what that means :) GIRL TALK! The girls all tell us who their C.O.W is aka Crush of the week! ha then of course they ask us counselors ! I love pizza nights, they are my favorite! These girls are so much fun to be around I love them!! Yay for pizza night!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
He hears every word!
He hears every word is the song that I sang for EFY today. I love this song, it has such powerful words and a message for all to hear. Heavenly Father really does hear every word that we say and prayer to him. I know that he listens to each and every one of our needs and Loves us all the same! I love my savior so much and he has helped me through a lot in my life. I am thankful for him and his sacrifice. I love this church and the gospel so much!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Last week of EFY at SLC!!
This is my LAST week of EFY at the U of U in Salt Lake. I am really going to miss eating at the Heritage Center, the 15 minute walk to the institute, Late nights with Clare bear in the Hall or stairway, my bathroom leaking 24/7, having the sprinklers go off in the middle of Devotional, the smell of my room, door tag parties....etc and SO much more!
Dear U of U lets make this week of EFY the BEST yet!
SAVOR it for SAT :)
So this weekend we all went on a big group date as counselors!! We made some SUPER sweet shirts with spray paint! it was SUPER fun! Our shirts totally showed our personality!
Now comes the good part :) After we were finished making shirts we then decided to BLOW FIRE!! so what you do is put a whole bunch of powered sugar or corn starch in your mouth. Then you have someone light the match in front of your face and you blow and then FIRE comes out :) hehe it was pretty sweet!!
And YES that was MY fire that I blew! you just cant see my face :)
Here is a picture of me chugging the powered sugar down :)
There Is me blowing the FIRE!!
So after we sent all our kids home us counselors decided to have some fun . There is ALWAYS something fun to do up here in Utah! I love being around these wonderful counselors. It was a blast! We all went to shoot the tube :) It was SOOooo much fun!! We got these tubes and you go down this tunnel into water! Its so exhilarating! I loved it! Videos will come soon :)
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