IM HAPPY!!! TODAY IS THE DAY!!! :) :) :)
flower backgroud
About Me
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011!!!
Really going to miss these girls....and
I am going to miss Provo like Crazy
my small apartment.
Clean Checks
Walking up that dreaded hill
meeting new people in provo
country dancing
byu lu'au
staying up late chatting with my roommate
living in the library
running {literally} to class
my ward
the cold
the temple being so close by
weekly temple trips
getting my mission call {best day of my life!!!}
Having amazing friends in Provo
Visiting teaching
Studying HOURS for geology
Ok I could go on and on...but I need to do that VERY thing in which I am AVOIDING...
PACKING! {Ha I leave in like 2 hours....pulling an all nighter!}
Dear Provo,
You will be missed so dearly. Thank you for shaping me into the person I needed to become this winter semester 2011. I will miss you, but don]t you worry, Ill be back in a short year and a half.
Until then,
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I am DONE I am DONE!!!
Notice how homework is not on that list :)
I am DONE!!!!
Took my last two finals today.
After spending over 11 hours on my take home Spanish Final I turned it in!
Now I don't know what to do with my free time....
Guess I could start with Packing....{did i mention I strongly dislike packing?} ha
Well going to sleep early tonight...did not get much sleep last night.
Goodnight World.
Tomorrow I will be 21!! { I feel old }
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
“Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. It encompasses chastity and moral purity. Virtue includes modesty—in thought, language, dress, and demeanor. Virtue provides an anchor on the path leading to our Heavenly Father’s presence. The paths of virtue lead to happiness in this life and in the life to come. The paths of virtue lead to strong families. The paths of virtue contain the foundation stones for the blessings of eternity. They lead to the temple.”
~ Cherish Virtue New Era 2009
I found my laundry :)
No it was not lost...just misplaced. I went with this cute little old lady to look in the lost and found piles of laundry... no where to be found. She then asked me did you look in ALL of the washers and dryers? I replied I thought that I had but I could always look again.
And Lo and embarrassing is this? It was in the dryer :)
So for any of you who were deeply concerned....I found it! ha
Side note - Jazz Final....Check!
Now time to conquer my Spanish 326 Final... Yikes!
Then one more tomorrow! Almost....DONE!!
My little Sisters!
I miss you
I miss girls night
I miss late night Chats
I miss sleep overs
I miss goofing around
I miss making music videos
I miss taking crazy pictures
but mostly...
I just miss you! 4 more days till I get to see my little sisters :)
love you!!
I miss girls night
I miss late night Chats
I miss sleep overs
I miss goofing around
I miss making music videos
I miss taking crazy pictures
but mostly...
I just miss you! 4 more days till I get to see my little sisters :)
love you!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Laundry? Where did you go?
ATTENTION : Missing Laundry... {no this is not a joke} ha ha I left it over the weekend on accident.
Description - mostly blacks and darks...there are some jeans and some of my favorite clothes.
Reward : a Big smile and you might even make a new friend.
If anyone who has taken my laundry out of the Laundry mat could kindly return it to Plymouth apartment 2 that would be lovely :)
Sunday, April 17, 2011
All Coming to a close...change is good :)
It really hit me today that I am leaving least for a year and a half. And it made me quite sad. However I get really happy when I think about all of the peoples lives that I will touch and be able to bring closer to Christ in the mission Field of New York New York South. BYU has been such an INCREDIBLE experience and I have NO doubt that this is EXACTLY where I am to be right now at this specific time in my life.
My amazing roommates! I know that I was supposed to be with them this semester. I know that they were placed in my life for a reason. Especially this time in my life. I have learned so much from each of them. I am so thankful for their sweet spirits. Going to miss them.
I definitely know that I was supposed to meet these girls. They are so nice and we just clicked instantly. I am so thankful for the wonderful ward I was placed in.
Definately going to miss them.
Sometimes....we are really weird... haha
Amanda and I really did NOT want to say goodbye to each other. {even though we still have this next week} both of us started crying in relief society when we realized that it was our last Sunday together. She turned to me and said, " Kaitlin! Your'e going on a mission! I am not going to see you again." {at least not for a year and a half} Its ok I know that I will see her again. Goodbyes are just sad sometimes. Then we decided to take a cute picture because we really are happy for new beginnings.
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends. ~Richard Bach
Dear Provo,
I am really going to miss you.
I am going to miss slipping while walking to school, because I am not used to all of this white stuff on the ground.
Making new friends on the way to school, because I love just talking to everyone.
The wonderful devotionals on Tuesdays.
My family Home Evening Group.
The sweet Spirit BYU Has.
All of my dance classes.
Mission Prep by the MOST AMAZING teacher ever! ~ Brother Bott
Studying/living in the Library till midnight every night.
My ward.
My roommates
My tiny humble apartment.
Eating a peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich Everyday :)
The opportunity I had to do BYU Lu'au
The Friends that I have made.
Hearing about at least 1 or 2 engagements in the "good minute" for relief Society.
Visiting Teaching.
Freezing in the middle of the night.
The randoms days where it was 70 and sunny to all of a sudden 20 degrees and snowing.
Hearing talks on every Sunday.
Shopping in the Bookstore.
Coming home to seeing some mail for me on the counter.
Running to class so that I would not be late. {literally running and having everyone look at me}
My Spanish Classes
My crazy funny teachers
The fact that Spring is FINALLY here!
Late night talks with my roommate.
Dancing crazy with my roommate in our room at midnight
Well BYU Provo, you have been better than I could have ever dreamed. I am so thankful for you in this time in my life. I truly have been blessed and just want to thank my Heavenly Father for the wonderful opportunity I had to the time of my life. I have made life long friends. I have loved every minute of it here. However it is now time to move on to bigger and better things. The mission!
I can't wait to...
Be serving the lord 24/7
Learning Spanish better than I ever have before.
Meet more life long friends
to live in New York
Helping others come unto Christ
Having companions and learning about them and how to live with different people
just having that joy and happiness of helping others along this crazy thing called life.
I am excited! I love this gospel more than anything. I love my family and am so thankful for amazing parents who have taught me right. I am excited for my new journey ahead and know that wherever it takes me its going to be good. I am so thankful for the journeys/experiences that I have had in my life so far.
Life is good :)
"Albert Schweitzer, the noted theologian and missionary physician, declared: 'I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.'" ~ Thomas S. Monson
"Along your pathway of life you will observe that you are not the only traveler. There are others who need your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save." ~ Thomas S. Monson
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Busy Busy
Baptism { A spanish Couple who got married last night ooooo I can't wait!}
Bridal Shower
More Studying
Exam Taking...
Temple Session
More Studying
Busy Day
Bring it On!!
I wish I was THIS kind of busy :)
Be Still My Soul
1. Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side;
With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In ev'ry change he faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: Thy best, thy heav'nly Friend
Thru thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
2. Be still, my soul: Thy God doth undertake
To guide the future as he has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: The waves and winds still know
His voice who ruled them while he dwelt below.
3. Be still, my soul: The hour is hast'ning on
When we shall be forever with the Lord,
When disappointment, grief, and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love's purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: When change and tears are past,
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.
Friday, April 15, 2011
I just LOVE my daddy!
Well there you have it my dad and I at the Suns game :) I love my dad so much! He ALWAYS knows EXACTLY what to say and at the right time. I love that I can talk to my dad about anything and he will just listen and give his fatherly counsel/advice. I am just so lucky to have a father that is so strong in the gospel, who lives up to his priesthood potential and is such a loving father and husband. I love you dad!
If any one knows me they know that I am ALL about Extra Credit :) So anyways for Spanish this morning from 7-12:30 I was able to participate in Espandolandia! Its where kids from ALL over Utah were able to come and participate in this fun Spanish like fair thing. They were given fake money to change it for food,bags, pictures, candy, chips & Salsa, Toys and other fun trinkets.
I was able to meet this sweet girl Jessica. She is amazing and has such a sweet spirit! She served in Argentina! I look up to her. She was the "Security guard" She was responsible for turning anyone into "la carcel" {aka jail} if they spoke English. It was so neat to be able to walk around speaking Spanish to all of these little kids. It reminded me of my passion and dream as a kid to be a Spanish Teacher. For I myself went through a Spanish like immersion / dual language program all through elementary school. {that's how I know Spanish}.
Well that's all I have time to post for now... Got to get back to the books....
Me and the Library have a date with my textbooks and the library .....all......weekend.....long!!!!!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
"One of God's greatest gifts to man is freedom of choice. At an early period in the journey through life, man finds himself at a crossroad where he must choose one of two great highways-the right, leading to progress and happiness; and the wrong, leading to retardation and sorrow. There exists this eternal law that each human soul, through the choices he makes, will shape his own destiny. Our success or failure, peace or discontent, happiness or misery, depend on the choices we make each day."
--N. Eldon Tanner, "Thou Mayest Choose for Thyself", Ensign, July 1973, 7
--N. Eldon Tanner, "Thou Mayest Choose for Thyself", Ensign, July 1973, 7
"It requires courage to make good choices, even when others around us choose differently. As we make righteous choices day by day in little things, the Lord will strengthen us and help us choose the right during more difficult times."
--W. Craig Zwick, "We Will Not Yield, We Cannot Yield", Ensign, May 2008, 97–99
--W. Craig Zwick, "We Will Not Yield, We Cannot Yield", Ensign, May 2008, 97–99
I Love Amanda Walker! .....End....of....Story!!!
Last night I went over to the Hallsteds to Welcome Ammon Hallsted Home. He served in the Rosario Argentina Mission. I am so proud of him!
Alex got to skype me last night and meet the Hallsted Family :) That made me Happy.
I also got to say hi to brother Martinsen and skype with Abe and Mariah as well.
{I just absolutely LOVE the Martinsen Family!}
After that we all went downstairs and watched Tangled! {Cutest Movie ever}
{Al we are going to watch that together}
Then we said our goodbyes, took pictures you know :)
Then off I went.
I am so thankful for friends in my life.
Dear Amanda,
Thanks for ALWAYS being there for me. Thanks for listening to me blab about some cute boy in another country everyday. Thanks for just listening, Making me smile, Laugh, for always *** while we are on the phone. haha you know what I am talking about.Thanks for always taking pictures with me, even thought its like all the time :) Thanks for texting/emailing me. and looking at my silly pictures and listening to me talk about my plans for the future. You are the BEST friend a girl could ask for.
I love you!!!
Now the real question is..
ha this is a reenactment of our water ballet we did 7 years ago in the Efy Variety Show!
Gotta love it!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Today is the last REAL day of School! Crazy I know! This semester has Flooown! but I am so glad! It is also sad though when I go to class and they tell me that it is the last day of class. I have made so many life long friends here at Brigham Young University. I know that I came here for a reason. I know that there were things that I was supposed to learn, people I were to meet and people who I was meant to touch. I love this University with all my heart and am sad to say goodbye. {for now}
I kind of feel like these kids in High School Musical, I just want to jump for joy! This semester has been very hard but a wonderful learning experience none the less :) and I am Extremely thankful for everything that I have gone through.
I couldn't resist :) this was just too cute!
I have a book of Dreams and I know that I can accomplish ANY of ALL of them if I just put my mind to it! I am checking off one thing at a time. My next dream is my mission!
Dreams are a wonderful thing!
My advice to anyone is to follow your dreams. And to do that you can just sit there and dream, but you have to actively be acting towards that goal and dream.
"The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you"
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
mi familia
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This is a picture of my family from 6 years ago when we all went to Mexico :) |
Alright... You caught me again.. I really REALLY miss my family! Thank goodness for modern technology which allows me some means of communication with them :)
I love that each member of my family has something to contribute.
Lets start from Right to left..
My daddy- My father is just incredible! I look up to him so much! He ALWAYS has the BEST advice, I could sit and talk to him about life for hours. I also love that we can have deep fun talks about the gospel.
Ok so next is me...we don't need to address that one.
Chelsea ~ Chelsea has SUCH a sweet caring spirit about her. She would save every animal if she could :) She is always giving and worrying about others needs instead of her own, and one of the most thoughtful people I know.
Alyssa - is SO happy! I can always count on Alyssa to put a smile on my face. She is the BEST listener and will listen to me tell a story to her {even if it is the hundredth time I have told her}. Alyssa is a wonderful example to me, I can always find her studying and really reading her scriptures.
Kyle - is the brains of the family If something is broken leave it up to kyle to figure it out and fix it! That kid just knows things! I think that he reads in his sleep. Kyle is also just a sweet heart and has such a big heart !
Alex - is willing to do ANYTHING for anybody. He almost never complains and does everything with a smile . He is one for hugs and is always giving everyone hugs. I love him so much, he makes me happy!
Garrett - is a stud. Ha he is tough on the outside but a real squish on the inside. Meaning he also has a big heart, but does not always show it. Not to mention that he is a Ladies man, {watch out girls he is going to be a heart breaker}
Courtney- is the LIFE of the party! If you are having a bad day, you can ALWAYS count on little miss ball of sunshine to lighten up your day. Today I talked to her on the phone and the first thing that she said was , " I LOVE YOU KAITLIN!!" haha anyone who meets her just falls in love instantly! I love this girl :)
My mother - My mother is superwoman in my eyes. Honestly I do not know how she does it all. She is NEVER thinking of herself but putting all 7 of her kids and her husbands needs in front of her own. She is patient, kind, loving and so much more! I love my mom, she is my best friend!
Welp!? There you have it! I miss my family! Only 2 short weeks and I will be able to see them all again. besides via skype :) I am truly blessed to be in the family that I am! I know that I was placed in the Gray family for a reason. I am sure lucky! I love my Gray Short Family :)
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