I got to ride on the plane Next to Morgan! Morgan is one of my really good friends! We have known each other since birth! She lives in Kentucky so I have not seen her for 4 years! She had a layover in Az and we happened to be on the same Plane! I loved it! We laughed the ENTIRE time and it had felt as though we had never even left each other! :)
So I got to Provo Friday Night and I set up this Group date! It was a random group of kids but it worked! Everyone got along SO well and we all just goofed around and had a blast! Here is a picture of us playing Walleyball!
It was So good to see these girls! Some of them I hadnt seen since April when I was at BYU Hawaii! I love these girls!!
We all went to the BYU Cremery! mmm I seriously love this place! It so yummmy!
These are some fun snap shots of us all playing games at Ali's Apartment. Michelle had SO many good ideas! We ended up loosing track of time because we were having so much fun and played games until 1:30 in the morning!

This is a broom Game! You start with the broom behind you and you have to bring it forward and put your legs through it! Its a lot harder that it looks :) We spent quite a while doing it!
Ali and I Were STOKED about eating some Nutella! This is what we snacked on in Hawaii and Loved it!! mmmmm
BYU football Game! Go Cougars!! |
I was able to go to the BYU's 1st Home Game!! It was INCREDIBLE!! I seriously LOVE LOVE BYU Football games!
I absolutely LOVE these girls! They are so much fun to be around!!
We got free hats because of where we were sitting! Along with Backpacks :)
We be Gangsta :)
The next day I was able to go to the beautiful Provo Temple with My dear friend Lauren Filichia! We had so much fun! We climbed to the top of this hill where we could over look the temple! We both were able to have some quite time and read our scriptures and write in our Journal! It was really nice and calm up there and a place to just sit ponder and think :)
I love to see the Temple! I an going there someday :)
The flowers on Campus are abosolutely beautiful!
I love the feeling I get when I am at the temple! Even just being outside it I can feel of the wonderful spirit! We are so blessed to have temples! I cant wait for the Gilbert one to be built!!
I was so glad to have been able to spend time with my friend Lauren! she is amazing!!
I just Love being at the temple! Its such a beautiful place :)
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