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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween with the Grays :)

Have I told you that I absolutely positively LOVE LOVE my family?! Well I do :) They are the BEST! We had So much fun tonight! We all carved pumpkins,handed out Candy,and of course....we dressed up in some funky dance costumes and made music videos! Doesnt get much better than this! 
I love spending time with my family! 
Happy Halloween 2010!

Touch Screen

Dear Phone,
I wish your touch screen would work. I am having trouble answering calls, looking or reading texts..if you would fix yourself Id appreciate it!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Brittany time :)

This is Brittany and I love her to death! We finally got to hang out with each other!! We had So much fun together talking laughing and catching up! I am so thankful for her friendship! We went and danced it up!

BE thankful!

I have so much to be thankful for in my life. If we would all take the time to list things that we are thankful for, we then will come to realize how much the lord has really blessed us.
BE thankful!

Alright Amanda Here it is :)

haha girls camp 2004 i think?.... hm gotta love these memories! love you amanda!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Fun!

Tonight I went to a Halloween Party with Jocelyn! We had a lot of fun together! I love just being with this girl, and I love how we can talk for hours on end about anything! I also love that she knows what I am thinking even before I say it... ha we have this ability to read each others mind. She is better at it than me. She always knows what I am going to say before I saw it! Oh I love Halloween time :) 

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Carving them Pumpkins :)

IMG_1439IMG_1440IMG_1446 IMG_1447   IMG_1450   IMG_1453   IMG_1456 IMG_1457 IMG_1458 IMG_1459  The beautiful Colleen Came over and we carved them pumpkins! It was so much fun! We laughed our heads off carving these pumpkins and were able to catch up! I love this girl so much. She seriously brightens up the room when she walks in. She is a great example to me, and always such a happy girl! You da best Colleen :) P.s. I wish I could just tape record her whole life….she says the funniest things! love you girl

Erika and Kaitlin Time :)

Tonight I was able to go over to Erika's house and play! I love this girl to death! She is not only one of my friends she is my cuzin so I get to keep her forever! I really enjoy just sitting down and talking to this girl! We can seriously talk for hours... which we did! I love my Erika/Kaitlin time! Always needed :) 


Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.” <3

Today was....Interesting :)

Welp....Today started out to what I would call a normal day. Studying, quiz taking, class going....and ended up in Urgent Care.. Hm well not a normal middle to the day but it was fun! I got to watch Tv on a bed, get x-rays and blood drawn. I even got to ride in a wheel chair :) That was fun! Just another day, lets see what tomorrow brings... hopefully not a hospital visit.

p.s. did I mention they spelled my name wrong? I guess the insurance has it wrong. Tonight I was known as Katlin! hm... I kinda like the sound of that :)

IMG_1414    IMG_1418  IMG_1420 IMG_1421 IMG_1422 IMG_1423 IMG_1424 IMG_1425 IMG_1426 IMG_1427 IMG_1428  IMG_1430 IMG_1431 IMG_1432 IMG_1433 So…. I was not planning on going Country Dancing especially since I had just been in the Hospital…. however I thought to myself I have nothing else to do…so why not!? So Jocelyn came over and we went together. It was very interesting considering I had Crutches and couldn’t put ANY pressure whatsoever on my foot. So I stood against the wall when this guy came up to me and asked me if I wanted to dance. After looking down at my foot then back at me, he said to me,” I promise you that Ill dance with you so that your foot will not touch the ground.” I said alright lets do it! So we danced and my foot didnt touch the ground once! It was awesome and so thoughtful! So then after that Jocelyn and I went on over to the other side of the dance floor to join some of our friends. Then the same guy asked me to dance and then him and Preston Noble took turns passing me back and forth trying to come up with new dance moves not involving my foot. Who would have known that I could have that much fun with a hurt foot. Thanks to those guys they made my night one I will always remember :) 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Do you ever wonder…..

Do you ever wonder….where life is going to take you? What direction you’re going to follow or take? Sometimes I wish I knew the future..sometimes I wish I didn't. Life can be rather confusing sometimes. But whatever you do, you need to take life by the horns and go with it! We don't always know the answers to some of life’s hardest questions. Thankfully we have the gospel in our lives to point us in some direction. Sometimes all the doors close so that along the road the right door will come along and open. I don’t know all the answers to everything the only one who does is the man upstairs. I am so thankful for the powerful words of our dear prophets and the words of the scriptures that can lead us in some direction in our lives. I have learned that the scriptures have answers to ALL question that we have. We just have to diligently be searching our scriptures for these answers.
Dear Life ahead,
I see a lot in my future.
I just don't know where to start.
If you could please give me some advice….and give it fast!
Sincerely yours,
p.s. here are some quotes I recently fell in love with.

“Forget about the consequences of failure. Failure is only a temporary change in direction to set you straight for your next success.”

If you believe you can, you probably can. If you believe you won't, you most assuredly won't. Belief is the ignition switch that gets you off the launching pad.

“I cant change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination.”
I am just thankful for the gospel in my life. I may not know all the answers to life, but I do know that I have a loving Heavenly Father who wants nothing but the best for his children.
~ Kait

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

You know what sounds good right now....

ICE CREAM from Spoon me!! :P 

Halloween FHE with Temple View Ward :)

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Tonight was FHE with the singles ward, which was a Halloween Carnival which was really fun! Everyone was dressed up in costumes. There was a cake walk, Fishing, Pumpkin Carving, Photo booth,and eating doughnuts from a string! 

Kenny and I were working the Fishing station, we would put candy on the string! or sometimes just throw the candy over the tarp! 
Mario and Luigi Even showed up !
Love Halloween! 
The lovely Jocelyn and Sicily!

Just some fun fancy friends :) Way to go Temple View Ward you rock!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Family Home Evening!

Tonight for Family home evening we had our regular scripture study out of the Book of Mormon and then we had a little activity. We each received a blank piece of paper and were told to write our names on it. Then we folded the paper back so that we could only see our names. Then we passed them around the table and each family member was to write something nice about that person whose paper we had.
 Courtney reading hers
 After we were all done we went around the table reading our own :)

It was nice to see everyone so excited to be writing something nice about the family members. If everyone took time to find the good and positive in people I think we would be a happier people. My challenge to you all is to look for the good in people, I promise you, that you will be a whole lot happier in life! Ready set go!

Missionary work....Start Now!

Posted: 25 Oct 2010 12:00 AM PDT
"Young people need to commit themselves early in life to the idea of a mission. That way, when they get older and begin to face some of the world's temptations, those temptations will be less likely to penetrate their hearts or minds. They will resist the temptations because they are focused on becoming a servant of the Lord."M. Russell Ballard, "How to Prepare to Be a Good Missionary," New Era, Mar. 2007, 6
Topics: Missionary Work

Homecomings and such!

Its weird when all your missionary friends start coming home. It seriously feels like they just had left. Its amazing how fast 2 years can go by in life. I think that this year especially has gone by pretty fast, I cant believe that its already almost CHRISTMAS again! I am soo excited!!

Blaze Malan and Ryan Kearl came home! Ryan served in Mexico and Blaze in Hawaii! I was able to talk to Blaze allll about Hawaii, it made me miss it a LOT! and then talked with Ryan in Spanish.

I am so thankful for wonderful missionarys! Welcome home boys!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getting to know our Savior is time well spent :)

"Mere 'Busyness' is not necessarily evidence of the wise use of time. There should be time for mental and spiritual development as well as relaxation: time for worship and time to express our thankfulness for our ability to work, and think,and pray, and read, and help, and dream,and laugh,and plan, and learn. The time we spend learning of our Father in heaven will bring untold blessings to us all the days of our lives."~ John Longden

If we would just take that 15 minutes out of our day to read the powerful words of the scriptures we will be blessed. We can learn more about the savior by reading of his words. We can strive to become more like him by the way that we act and treat others. When we do service unto others ( Mosiah 2:17) it is like in turn serving our savior and also becoming more like him. I am so thankful and have such a strong testimony of the organization of the church. I am so thankful for visiting teaching and visiting teachers. Visiting teaching is where we have the opportunity to visit sisters of our ward and share with them a little message about the gospel and our church. I love this gospel and all that it brings to me, such joy and happiness! I am thankful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the fact that I can become more and more like my Savior Jesus Christ every day! ~ Love ~ 

YSA $2 Dollar IceSkating :)

 Brittany is so cute! 
 Dont know what I would do without these girls!
 Where's Waldo?!
Whenever there is anything that costs only 2 bucks Count me in! I always look forward to this Young Single Adult Activity! So many people show up and we just ice skate all night long! Its weird to think that the last time that I had gone Ice skating before this was right before I left on my Journey to BYU Hawaii! It is SO crazy how fast time flys, this year alone has flown! Before we know it, its going to be Christmas! Did I mention that is my favorite holiday?!? Well it is, and I have even started to Listen to Christmas music! ha My Favorite! :)