So...probably everyone and their dog posted something on facebook about the rain in Az :) For those of you who don't know Az does not get that much rain :) if any! So when it does rain, unlike in other states we all run outside and have to play in it. So during Radiology today it started POURING!!! And no I do not mean sprinkling... (sometimes when it sprinkles everyone in Arizona thinks its pouring) ha So we stopped during the middle of class and ran outside to see it! Of course everyone had to grab their cameras it was pretty funny :)
I hope you are able to see how much it really is raining!
Nothing better than Rain in Az :)
Ok so this is really really hard to tell and the picture Kinda defeats the purpose but well try it! So it really was pouring behind us trust me! It was so funny that we all had to run outside (including the teacher) to see the rain outside!
To say the least we Love rain here in Arizona!
I love the way it smells!
I love the cooler Temperatures.
Dear Rain,
Pleeease come again!
Yes indeed! Such an invigorating change :) Way better than Restorative imaging