flower backgroud

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Becoming more like Christ and Following his Example!

What the Gilbert Temple is going to look like :) 
I don't really know where to begin. My heart is full. I have been able to feel the spirit and the love that my savior has for me all weekend. 
   Let me start with the Gilbert Temple Ground Breaking. What a wonderful experience this was. I have never had the opportunity to attend such a service. Chelsea and I showed up 2 hours early to make sure that we got seats. They set out over 5,000 seats and well over 5,000 people showed up. It was really neat to see everyone and their families dressed up in Sunday Clothes for this special occasion. Elder Garn spoke first and talked about the history of Arizona and the Church, and talked about the first pioneers who came here. 

" In 1968 there were only 9 stakes in Arizona, now there are 70 stakes."  " As we touch the temple and love the temple, we can bear every trial and resist every temptation."

Elder Walker then began to speak and talked about the 7 years of preparation that we have all made in order to build this temple. " Mesa Arizona has been one of the busiest temples in the church." ~ I thought that was interesting, the church in this area is growing so fast. He quoted President Thomas S. Monson when he said, 
" The best missionary's come from Southern Alberta Canada and Mesa Arizona." ~ Now that is neat, so props to you hard working missionary's! Keep up the great work! 

Elder Costa then said the Dedicatory prayer, and the promises that he said in that prayer were incredible. It just goes to show that the lord is just WAITING to bless us if we but obey him and keep our end of the deal. 
He then spoke and talked about the importance of temples and how obedient and blessed and faithful saints are here in Gilbert AZ. This was such a neat experience to be apart of this event.
Stake Conference
In the Adult session on Saturday night Sister Housley (The relief Society President) spoke to us about the importance of creating a temple like atmosphere in our own homes. " The temple is a place of service, a home can be a place of service too" 
Brock Booher Then spoke about missionary work and how we need to OPEN OUR MOUTHS. We are promised that our mouths will be filled if we open our mouths. There are so many times where we get scared of rejection, however that is the worst thing that can happen they can say no. He talked about the challenge that our Stake president issued us a couple of months ago which was to Invite someone to good. Whether it be inviting them to read the Book of Mormon, inviting them to come to church, to take the missionary discussions or simply inviting someone to come to your home. He then talked about the promises that we will receive by doing so.
1. You will have an increase in spirit.
2. You will find blessings that you individually need and as a family.
3.You will find answers to your prayers.
4. You will find that your burdens will be made light.
" When we open our mouths we can experience miracles, we bless not only those we speak to, but ourselves as well.

President Houserman - Then spoke about our Names, and what we have done with Christ's Name. And how we would never want to do anything that would bring shame to Christs name. We need to live in his example." We should believe on his name and love one another."

President Riggs
This man is amazing and I absolutely LOVE hearing him speak. 
" Your father in Heaven loves you, your Savior Jesus Christ Loves you." He talked about how the world is throwing things at us right and left and that we need to be able to turn to our Heavenly Father.
He also talked about the importance of Sacrament meeting.
" What are you doing to prepare for the Sacrament? Do you remember your covenants which you have made?"
" In order to prepare for the second coming of our Savior you have to prepare your heart."
President Hinckley said," Stand a little Taller."
Sometimes it can be over whelming the things that we are needing to be doing. However all that he asks is that we stand a little taller, that we BE a little better. Do something each day that can make you a better person and become the person you want to be. Become more and more like our Savior everyday by following his example.
President Riggs Said, " Do you spend your time serving the lord?" or do you idol away your time?"
We need to make sure that we are reading and reading and RE-reading the talks given in General Conference. Those are the words of the lord! We are so blessed to have a LIVING prophet and apostles today on this earth and to receive modern revelation. I am so thankful for the amazing leaders of the Church. I love this gospel and the happiness that it brings into my life! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your post Kaitlin- you are such an awesome girl, I love your willingness and excitement about sharing the gospel. I was so excited to hear about the Gilbert temple ground breaking! It looks like it will be beautiful. Hope everything is going great for you! love you!
