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I cant wait to be one of them! ( less than 3 months) |
I had the absolutely wonderful opportunity last week to attend the Missionary Fireside, where were privileged to hear from Elder Gene R. Cook of the Quorum of the Seventy. Pretty neat huh? Well here are my notes from the fireside.
Hope you enjoy.
Sister Cook
Get ready, for you never know where the lord is going to take you. Given us such a strong faith in knowing that this is the lords work. My husband has missionary blood. He is truly a missionary. He is still a missionary today. He is always stepping forward. He has taught the missionary's throughout the world. IF you seek the will of the lord, then you will feel of his spirit tonight. God lives, He is our loving Heavenly Father. We are presented to our father through our Savior. Thomas S. Monson is our true living prophet today. I pray that your testimony's are strengthened. Go forth and do the lords will.
(I love how truly sincere she is when she talks about her husband, I cant help but smile)
Elder Gene R. Cook
The gospel is preached by men and angels :) If you do not have a man on a white stallion come sweep you off your feet before hand, and you have that desire to go, go!
There is no church as good as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The fullness of this gospel has been restored. Prepare your first missionary's.
He then tells a story of when he was talking to all his young boys at a family home evening where he asked them, " Are you guys ready to go on a mission?"
When his little boy replied," No dad, I am still in my Pajamas." Now this is adorable!
I hope that many of your prayers are answered today.
1. Why should you go on a mission?
2. How to prepare.
3. What are some blessings?
- Why should I serve?
First of all you have to have a desire to serve god.
Doctrine and Covenants 4:3 reads " If you have the desires to serve god, ye are called to the work"
If you do not already have that desire Pray!
Doctrine and Covenants 15:6 "The thing which will be the most worth will be declaring an ensign unto this people that you may feel rest."
Doctrine and Covenants 18:10, 15-16: "Remember that the worth of souls is great in the sight of God."
How great shall be your joy, if you bring but one soul unto me.
You have to have that desire.
WHY should you serve?
(Mosiah 4:24)
2) HOW do we prepare?
1. Pray intently everyday to increase your desire to better prepare and tell you by revelation what you need to do. The lord will give it to you.
2.Search the scriptures. The Book of Mormon is the instrument of Conversion. Read from the Book of Mormon. It will bring about greater conversion. When you are searching your scriptures, MARK and memorize.
Memorize 20,30,40 or even 50 scriptures and then study by topic. Take the atonement and see what the Book of Mormon has to say about it.
3. Maintain your personal worthiness. Be careful with the opposite gender. Be more conservative. We have had so many missionaries not been able to serve. Satins work is in the dark, and Christ's work is in the LIGHT!
4. In your study focus on your foundation of your faith which is the Restoration.
Joesph Smith was the prophet of the restoration. Read the first page of the introduction thats what we use with investigators. Testimony of Christ.
Talk topic - Book of Mormon.
Bore testimony of Nephi, Alma, the atonement, Bore testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. TESTIMONY!
Get centered on the restoration and bear testimony of it!!
5. Observe others that teach by the spirit and notice what they do!
copy as they do.
6. Go out with the missionaries
Commitments are the keys to success. Commitments are also the door to repentance.
YOU are the guide to the spirit which will convert.
Working hard and giving it your all in whatever you are doing.
Well for all you devoted followers this post will be continued :)
Stay Tuned :)
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