Today I had School. Who would have thought! The usual. Spanish,Jazz, Devotional (which was fantastic! Will post later) Tap,Ballroom, then some more Espanol. Oh did I mention I bought a BYU Basketball T-shirt...and then some ice cream from the BYU Cremery. I had to! Then my lovely friend Michelle said that she got me an all-sports pass! Boy was I excited! So on my way home I saw a ton of police and ambulance and I guess some kid was long boarding and he got ran over...yikes! I was walking when this guy asked me what happened. I told him, and then we continued walking. He then asked me if I wanted to be friends. My first reaction was,"Facebook friends?" haha he then said, well no Real friends! I responded yes! I like that better. He then asked me I wanted J-Dawgs. I kind of Hesitated, because anyone that knows me, knows that I absolutely HATE hot dogs. But I said that I would go, and he said that he would not be offended if I did not eat the whole thing. So here we go! I got a polish dog with the special sauce and some banana peppers. And to my surprise it was DELICIOUS!! I actually would like to go and get another one! Mmmm..After that I sped walked home, because I needed to get ready for the Basketball game! I went over to Michelle's, then we hopped in the car and went to get Chloe and her roomate :) Then we rushed to the game to get a seat. I ran into Melanie Mills, she is such a cute cheerleader! Then we got our seats. I ran into Rachel and Hannah Marsh at the game. I love those girls. The game was awesome! I forgot how much I really enjoyed basketball games. The ballroom dance team performed during half time. It REALLY made me want to be on the team, it looked like so much fun. After the game we rushed to some Cake store, because I guess we get free cake if the Basketball team scores over 80 :) By the time that we got there, it was closed :( After that we all went home. It was a lovely night, I really look forward to hanging out with those girls more often. Good night World :)

Melanie and me :)
Lovely Ladies!
Michelle Sandwich!
Cosmo and me! Somehow I always manage to get a picture!
Love all the girls
These boys wanted to jump in our picture, so I said why not :)
I heard about the Longboarder! So sad. You are crazy to go with a random guy! Haha. I love you! I'm glad you have found a good group! It sounds so fun!! I love you!