Hence.... I finally gave in and decided to try Sushi :) I have to say that it was a lovely experience. My mom and I went with my cousin Mark and his wife Amber in Sandy. We all went to a place called Tsunami. ( Reminded me of when the Tsunami hit Hawaii) haha and I admit it was DELICIOUS. Anyone who knows me well knows that I am a picky eater.... So this was a big step for me. However I loved it!! My favorite one that we got was the Vegas..Whatever that entailed. It was spicy which I love!
Overall it was a wonderful experience :) I have decided that I am going to be more open about trying foods. You never know what kinds of foods are out there, and what you could be missing. We can apply this to life too, try new things. Have experiences that will last a lifetime.
After this I went to one of my best friends Mandie Rudd’s house and caught up with her. I was able to finally meet her fiancée in person. They are absolutely adorable together, and I love how happy they both are. I was able to see her before she drove up to Weber for School. I am so happy for her and her new adventures that she will embark on this year! 68 days till she gets married!!
This year is going to be GREAT! I can feel it :)
Kaitlin! Im so glad you are having so much fun!! ps. Sushi is bomb. I love it!