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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday is the BEST day!

Sydney and me in the Snow :) 

Today Sydney came to Church with me before she headed back to Salt Lake City. It was so much fun to be able to meet my ward and to also see so many familiar faces. The lessons were JUST what I needed to hear. Its amazing how that always happens :) 

1) The first speaker in Sacrament meeting talked about Obedience and the blessings that come from being obedient. D&C 130:20-21. He talked about the stripling warriors and how they obeyed with exactness. The gospel is a new found happiness. 

            "Happiness is the design of our existence."

If we keep the commandments of God, we will find everlasting Happiness. We can be happy because we have the gospel. Unless we do the will of the lord, he can not help us. The lord is just waiting to pour these blessings upon us, we just have to be obedient.

God loves us, and wants nothing more than for us to return to live with our Heavenly Father in the Celestial Kingdom.

It all depends, on Where we Stand!


2) In relief society we talked about Change. With the New year there is a new You! We have to be Constant, we need consistency to make those changes bearable. 

Ways to Deal with Change

1. Follow the Prophets - They know whats best for us. They can see things and they know things that we do not. If we have a testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ, then we know that what the prophets are telling us are true.
2. Keep an Eternal Perspective - I can't help but think of one of my absolute favorite scriptures in Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-9. It talks about enduring our trials/change well, because when we think about it, it is only a tiny change in our lives that is nothing when you have an eternal perspective.
3. Have Faith- We need to move forward with faith, we do not always know what trials or change lay ahead of us. If we did then we would not do those things to grow closer to our Heavenly Father by relying and putting all of our trust and faith in him.
4. Be of good Cheer -If we do not look at the bright side of our lives, then we will never be happy because we are focusing on the negative. 

They also talked about having consistency in the little things. I know that it is those primary answers but it is so important to make sure that we are saying our morning and night prayers, having daily scripture study, attending all of our church meetings,  and attending the temple as much as possible.

Something that a stake leader said in a lesson has always stuck with me. He said something to the affect of,
 " Never miss an opportunity to feel the spirit." 
Yes this means going to firesides, and any other additional church meeting, or just anywhere where you have the chance to feel the spirit. Even if you do not think that you have time, I know personally that if you make time for the lord in your life, that he will help you make time for other aspects in your life.

I am so thankful for Sundays. I love going to my church meetings, and it really is amazing how much you can learn. I know that a lot of the times it may seem like the same thing over and over again. There is always something that we can learn if we just open our heart and listen :) 

1 comment:

  1. I agree... Sunday is the best. Thanks for writing about what was said in the meetings. Church is completely different here because of the Spanish barrier for me. It was nice to read what was said at your church meetings:)
